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Congratulations to the Class of 2024 from President McInnis

Dear Graduates,

Congratulations to the Class of 2024! You’ve persevered, adapted, collaborated, created, and grown — probably more than you ever predicted.  And all members of this class have shared an academic journey that has been undeniably unlike any other. Many of today’s graduates are part of what is now commonly known as Generation Z.

“Z,” people like to say, stands for “zoomers” — and indeed this class is one that is deeply familiar with hybrid learning. But I think the letter may stand for a few other things. Z is for zealous. This class will be defined by its determination, ambition and inspiring zeal for life. The Class of 2024 wants to leave its mark on the world, and for society to be better because of it. Being an advocate and innovator doesn’t always make for an easy path forward, but I couldn’t be prouder of your ambition and willingness to make the world a brighter, healthier, more just place.

And Z also stands for zenith — a high point and a culmination. Today may be the zenith of your education thus far. I hope that you can take a moment today to look around: to really remember this occasion and appreciate how far you’ve come. 

Today’s commencement ceremony is something of a culmination for me, too. The Class of 2024 was the inaugural group of students when I first came to Stony Brook University as president, a role that has taught me so much about leadership, creativity, advocacy, and human connection. It’s been an honor to watch this class strive and succeed during the past several years — from lockdown and hybrid learning to a bustling campus environment and an incredible period of achievement for this institution. We started this journey together, and this class will always have a special place in my heart. 

The Class of 2024 graduates today as an assembly of wise, gracious, collaborative, brave, and bold new leaders, joining a network of changemakers that includes more than 220,000 Stony Brook University alumni worldwide. Today, we are celebrating a class of students that is ready to seize opportunities, to demand more and better from society, and to give back in return. I cannot imagine a group more poised to change the world. It should make us all very hopeful to know that this generation of students is now on the precipice of making its mark.

Congratulations, graduates! 

Maurie McInnis