“I don’t know… it… yet…” I am at a loss, with no other recourse but to cite whatever little I thought I
knew about Buddhism up to this point.

Sensei smiles, nods faintly, and our study continues.

Bibliography Kazuaki Tanahashi, Ed. Moon in a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dogen. Trans. Ed Brown and Kazuaki
Tanahashi. New York: North Point Press, 1985. Print.

Dogen, Eihei. “Instructions for the Tenzo.” Tanahashi 53-66.

Dogen, Eihei. “Painting of a Rice-cake.” Tanahashi 134-139.

"Kyosaku: Stick of Compassion." sarasotazen.org. Sarasota Zen Center. 05 Jan. 2014.

. Shinran. “The Hymns of the Two Gateways of Entrance and Emergence, I.” The Essential Shinran: A
Buddhist Path of True Entrusting. Trans. Hirota, Dennis, et al. Alfred Bloom, Ed. World Wisdom, 2007.

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