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The Emergency Management Plan

The Emergency Management Plan establishes the policy, procedures, and organizational structure to respond, control and recover from emergency situations.

The Incident Command System (ICS) is used  to organize the Emergency Management Team in functional positions (e.g. Command, Planning, Operations, Logistics and Finance/Administration). The plan adopts an "all hazards" approach to include responses to all types of emergencies, including Acts of Terrorism, Civil Disturbance, Explosion, Fire, Flooding, Food borne Illness, Hazardous Material, Severe Storm, Utility Failure and many others.

The plan recognizes and establishes the following priorities for emergency response and restoration of operations:

  1. Prevention: Avoid, prevent or stop a threatened or actual event or crisis.
  2. Protection: Secure the University and its community from acts of terrorism and manmade or natural disasters.
  3. Mitigation: Reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters.
  4. Response: Save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human needs after an incident has occurred.
  5. Recovery: Assist the campus community and those affected by an incident to recover effectively, including but not limited to rebuilding infrastructure, providing interim or long-term shelter, restoring services, and restoring resources.

Details of the Emergency Management Plan are only available to members of the Emergency Management Team.