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Alex Ambrico '22

M.S. Science Communication

Alex Ambrico headshotCurrent Job:

Director of Communication, Education, and Professional Development, International Biomedical Research Alliance

Why did you choose to do a Masters in Science Communication at the SoCJ:

Obtaining a M.S. in Science Communication degree would allow me the opportunity to advance important dialogues, both within the science community and with the public, and provide the tools to understand the vital impact of science. I aim to be a leader within the communities I serve to ensure that policymakers and the public understand the fundamental services science provides. 

 I chose to pursue my degree within the School of Communication and Journalism, and further through the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science,  since they are well known and highly respected throughout the science community. 

 Current Job:

After graduation, I was promoted to Director of Communication, Education, and Professional Development at the International Biomedical Research Alliance (IBRA). We are a nonprofit that provides mentorship, scholarships, networking opportunities, and financial support for the most talented doctoral students to conduct collaborative laboratory research projects for their Ph.D. in less than four years, leveraging the combined expertise of the National Institutes of Health and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

I also teach reformer Pilates at Toolbox Pilates Studio in Washington, DC. I am super passionate about women’s health and women in STEMM, which has led me to become an instructor. It is an incredible opportunity to combine women’s health, exercise, and science and I utilize my science communication skills to lead my classes. 

What the SoCJ taught me:

I completely transformed my way of thinking and writing skills during my time as a M.S. student and I now approach my position from a new angle. Not only did I build confidence, but my presentation skills advanced, I learned more about utilizing social media and how to address a wider audience, my writing skills developed to become stronger and more eloquent. I also routinely think about who my audience is and how could I better serve them. I develop new programs, such as a mentoring program, and organize career development and exploration initiatives where I constantly think about who do these initiatives and programs serve and how can I further improve them to enhance students experiences as PhD and MD/PhD students.

Advice for future students:

I would encourage students to use their masters experience to pursue many different ideas and see what peaks their curiosity. This is the perfect time to find out what you're passionate about, why, and what you can do to bring your passions to life.  

I think the most important question students should ask themselves is what drives them. What are they passionate about and what are the steps they need to take to make those dreams a reality.